Roving Reporters Cricket Club

Fantasy Cricket 2024

Roving Reporters Cricket Club News story

Potential Return to Playing Cricket

05 Jul 2020


As you will no doubt be aware, the government has given the green light for recreational cricket to return (albeit with some restrictions) from as early as next Sunday 12th July.

Further information regarding the detail of these restrictions is expected in the next couple of days, but ahead of that,  we as a club need to ascertain our position.

In order to do this, we need to group our current playing members into 3 groups - a) happy to play, b) tentatively happy to play depending on restrictions or c) not going to play at this time.

It is important to point out there is absolutely no expectation or pressure from the club that people play cricket. There is still a significant risk of virus transmission and everyone needs to be confident to do what they feel is right for them and their family. All we are doing at this stage is trying to understand the appetite of our members to play. Jake is contacting our July fixture hosts to see their appetite to play, and we need to be ready to say if we can or cannot fulfill any potential invitation to go and play.

If there are any concerns you'd like discussed, please don't hesitate to contact myself, Dave, Jake, Chris or Roger - we will be only too happy to chat things through with you.

Please could you urgently respond to either Nick or Dave to indicate whether you consider yourself in group a/b/c. Once further guidance is issued by the ECB, we will again be in touch to explain that detail.

If we do have enough members wanting to play and some opposition who want to host us, we will update everyone and explain the next steps to declaring availability on a game by game basis, once we are clear on the aforementioned restrictions.

Thanks in advance, keep well and stay safe,

Nick Anson (Team Secretary)